Software As A Service

The difference between

Traditional Software

  • The software is purchased by the users as a package and then it is installed into their computers.
  • There might be a limitation on the licenses according to the number of users or devices or depending on where the software can be deployed.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

  • Users subscribe to the software, generally on a monthly basis instead of purchasing it; this means that there is no upfront cost.
  • Users can end their software subscription when they no longer want to use it.
  • Applications are used and updated online through the files saved in the cloud instead of individual computers.

Benefits of SaaS

While cost is a central reason for using SaaS in your business environment, there are plenty of other advantages to moving your software to a cloud provider.

  • No Hardware Costs

No hardware cost has to be incurred as the processing power is provided by the cloud provider.

  • Scalable Usage

It is possible to access the additional storage and services on demand without the need of installing any new software or hardware.

  • Accessible From Any Location

There is no restriction of accessing the software with just one location; users can access their applications through any device with internet on it.

  • Automatic Updates

Updates are generally free and they are executed automatically by the software provider.

  • Customizing & White Labeling The Apps

Users have the ability to customize the applications to suit their needs and branding requirements.

  • Pay Per Use

The ‘pay-per-use’ method is especially beneficial when the software is required only for a short period of time.

  • Cross Device Compatibility

Users can access the applications through any internet enabled device like desktops, smart phones and tablets.

  • Mobilize Your Workforce

Users can access the SaaS apps and data through any internet-connected device. There is no need to worry about developing apps for different types of computers and devices as this is already done by the service provider. There is no need of any special expertise for the workforce to get connected.

Ready to Get Started with SaaS Hosting?

Share your vision with us, and we will develop a hosting environment tailored to your needs!

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